At Olde Towne Pet Resort, our commitment to the well-being of animals extends far beyond our walls. We are incredibly proud of our staff and clients who have opened their homes and hearts to foster pets in need. Their compassion and dedication have created a supportive community where countless animals have found loving temporary homes.  In that spirit, we want to help foster ever more connections!

Let’s Connect!

This web page is dedicated to serving as a portal to connect OTPR client & staff fosters with potential adoptive parents, helping to ensure that every pet finds a forever home where they can thrive and be loved. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these deserving animals.

Looking to adopt? Check out some awesome pups below.

Want to post your foster?

Email us at with the following info:

  • Your name and the pup’s name

  • An awesome photo of the pup

  • Rescue URL link for your pup (if there is one)

  • Your preferred email for the listing

  • A little bio for your pup

Do to our limited space, we can only accept postings from our fostering clients and staff at this time.

Ready to fall in love?

If you’d like info on a pup listed here click on the email and/or URL by their name to get the foster’s information. We can not facilitate any additional contact or information beyond this “connection” board.

Charlie (AKA blue-eyed love bug) is the most amazing good boy. He’s 4 years old and being fostered by OTPR staff member Melissa. He’s good with kids, other dogs and cats.
My name is Cosmo, but you can call me handsome. I love cuddle time and snacks.